SMS has several EnergyElite services to offer our customers:

  • Elite Customer Support – We do not leave you once you start using EnergyElite. SMS is here to help you when you need it. EnergyElite services and support can be accessed from the My EnergyElite tab on this website.
  • Elite Training – SMS wants to be sure you understand how to use EnergyElite as effectively as possible. Our training can even be on-site if necessary to be sure that you are up and running properly. This is one of the first opportunities that a new customer has to experience EnergyElite services.
  • Source code – source code is offered as well as a new API that will allow for development of graphical as well as character-based interfaces.
  • Documentation of customer modified applications.
  • Custom interfaces to vendor and customer applications using flat files, XML or in the near future Java Messaging Services utilizing SoniqMQ from Progress.
  • In addition, SMS has written a filtered interface for larger customers to SAP. Finally, SMS will modify any applications to fit your organization’s needs… exactly

When you work with SMS, our line of EnergyElite Services will be there when you need them. SMS is always looking for new ways to add to our customers’ trust in us and add value to the relationship. If you have any questions about what SMS can do for your organization, or if you would like to suggest we add something to our EnergyElite service options, please contact us.

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